Tool for Wikipedia {{Citation}} Template Citations and Refs

This tool is based on Template:Citation/doc. Style: Ampersand between last 2 authors CS1 style (full stops between items)

Book | Contribution | Journal | WebHelp

last Last name of 1st author, e.g. Smith or Watson Jones
first First name(s)/initial(s) of 1st author, e.g. Peter, Lesley W. or F.J.
year Year of 'publication', e.g. 1825 or 2009
title Title of web page/site, e.g. Araneus diadematus
website Name of website (work) overall, e.g. World Spider Catalog
publisher 'Publisher' if one exists, i.e. organisation responsible for pages, e.g. Irish Ornithological Society
url Full URL of the web page/site, e.g.
accessdate Access date in WP-approved format, e.g. 2009-12-18, 18 December 2009 or December 18, 2009
archiveurl Archive URL of the web page/site, e.g.
archivedate Archive date in WP-approved format, e.g. 2009-12-18, 18 December 2009 or December 18, 2009
Extra For expert use: any other fields with field title and any needed | separators, e.g. others=trans. E.G Smith
Short ref names